Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana is one of the best positions for strengthening the legs and internal abdominal muscles, due to the fact that it is very challenging to both strength and balance.
How to practice:
1: Take a big inhale and shift weight into your left foot. Exhale lift your right leg and hold onto your right knee (version 1) OR Reach to grasp the right big toe with the first two fingers of the right hand. (version In both options press the top of the thigh down to keep your pelvis and lower back level. Draw your right arm back into its shoulder socket to square your shoulders and chest to the front. Steady your gaze. Hold for 3-5 breaths.
2. Exhale and take the right leg out to the right side (bent or straight). Make this movement from the right leg alone, without letting the pelvic girdle turn to face right. Stop and hold at the point that the movement starts to come from the hips rather than the leg. Breathe for 3 to 5 breaths. Hold a steady gaze.
3. Inhale and bring right leg back to centre. Exhale and grasp behind the knee with both hands, point the toes, and lift the leg as high as you can.
4. Inhale and release the leg, keeping it elevated under its own power as the hands come to the hips. Breathe here for 3 to 5 breaths.
5. Repeat on the other side.
If you find this pose difficult, you are in good company. If you fall out of the pose, do not give up, as falling is part of the process. Take a few steady breaths in tadasana. Stand tall. Stand strong. Refocus and try again. With practice you will begin to feel ease in this pose...maybe a lot of practice! Keep at it to gain all of the amazing benefits for the body (stretching and strengthening) and mind (calming and focusing).
* Not shown here you can also hold onto a wall for balance with one arm as well as use a strap around your foot instead of bending your knee.